What information must my landlord provide about my rental unit before signing the contract?

Under federal, state, and local laws, landlords and rental property managers must provide certain information to tenants about the property and its surroundings. This information shared by landlords with tenants is known as disclosures. And California law requires some of them to even be included in lease agreements. There are disclosures that are relevant to […]

¿Qué puedo hacer si mi vivienda en alguiler es inhabitable?

When a landlord rents a property, they must follow certain rules and obligations. California’s warranty of habitability requires all landlords to ensure that their homes are habitable and safe for tenants, both at the time of delivery and throughout the duration of the lease. At the same time, tenants have an obligation to take care […]

Cuando las amenidades y áreas comunes no están en buenas condiciones

Renting an apartment or a house that is part of a building or a housing complex can carry more responsibilities for landlords. It is not only about having each of the homes in good condition, but they also have to ensure that the common areas or amenities are in safe and hygienic condition. Common areas […]

Lesiones en propiedades arrendadas

Landlords of rental properties have an obligation to ensure that rental properties are in a condition that is habitable and safe for tenants. For this, they must comply with certain laws according to the law of the state of California; this is known as the Guarantee of Habitability. If they don’t, they could be considered […]

Uso apropiado de los depósitos de seguridad

As tenants, before occupying a property, we must comply with certain documents and requirements. These are meant to ensure not only that our personal information is accurate but also that we will have the solvency to comply with the payment of rents and that the contract and transaction are legal to protect both parties. The […]

Lo que su arrendador no debe hacer para tratar su infestación de chinches

Choosing a home to rent is an extremely important process. Not only because you must feel comfortable in the place where you are going to live, but also because you must make sure that the conditions are good, safe and hygienic for you and your family. In most states across the country, renters are protected […]

¿Qué hacer cuando tu arrendador sube el alquiler?

Getting a notice from your landlord informing you of a rent increase can be a stressful situation. When we rent a house, we do so according to a fixed budget, and there are times when the increase can exceed it. California is one of the states in the country with the highest rental costs, making […]

Efectos Emocionales de las Plagas

Having an infestation in your home or office is one of the most unpleasant experiences that you can have. Whether it’s cockroaches, mice, or bedbugs, any of these animals can be carriers of serious diseases for you and your family. Knowing the damage that a pest can have in your home can help you prevent […]

¿Qué puede causar una infestación de ratones?

As more natural places are populated, the more we come into contact with different types of rodents. Native rodent species are important to the health of the country’s grasslands and forests. However, other non-native species, such as sewer rats, black rats, and house mice, cause problems in the homes they invade and can cause not […]

¿Cuáles son mis derechos y responsabilidades como inquilino?

Renting a home where you can feel comfortable and safe should not be complicated. And being able to live in it with peace and quiet is something that every tenant wants. In California, some laws regulate the rights of tenants and landlords, allowing both parties to benefit and for the relationship between them to run […]